Class Info 課程資訊
Please contact us for the latest class schedule.
Maths Course
Build solid foundations on math concepts and apply maths to solve real world problems
打好數學基礎,靈活運用數學理論解決問題 -
Plenty of practice questions with various question types
大量練習題目,讓學生熟習不同題型 -
Train problem solving skills and logical reasoning
訓練解難能力及邏輯思維 -
DSE courses focus on exam technique (inc. calculator programming)
高中課程注重考試技巧 (包括計算機程式)
DSE Maths Core / M1 / M2 (for S.4-S.6)
IB Maths HL / SL (for Year 12-13)
iAL Maths Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 12-13)
IGCSE Maths Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 9-11)
Junior Secondary Maths 初中數學
(for S.1 -S.3 / Year 7-9 / Grade 6-8)
Primary Maths 小學數學
(for P.1 -P.6 / Year 1-6 / Grade 1-5)
Biology Course
Revision notes provided
教授重點內容,提供精華筆記 -
Step-by-step learning, simplified knowledge
化繁為簡,深入淺出,令學生輕鬆掌握複雜的知識 -
Focus on exam techniques
針對考試試題教授答題技巧 -
Plenty of exam questions and past paper analysis
提供大量試題及過往公開試試題分析 -
Enhance high order thinking skills to solve experimental questions
DSE Biology (for S.4-S.6)
IB Biology HL / SL (for Year 12-13)
iAL Biology Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 12-13)
IGCSE Biology Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 9-11)
Chemistry Course
Revision notes provided
教授重點內容,提供精華筆記 -
Step-by-step learning, simplified knowledge
化繁為簡,深入淺出,令學生輕鬆掌握複雜的知識 -
Focus on exam techniques
針對考試試題教授答題技巧 -
Plenty of exam questions and past paper analysis
提供大量試題及過往公開試試題分析 -
Enhance high order thinking skills to solve experimental questions
DSE Chemistry (for S.4-S.6)
IB Chemistry HL / SL (for Year 12-13)
iAL Chemistry Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 12-13)
IGCSE Chemistry Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 9-11)
Physics Course
Revision notes provided
教授重點內容,提供精華筆記 -
Step-by-step learning, simplified knowledge
化繁為簡,深入淺出,令學生輕鬆掌握複雜的知識 -
Focus on exam techniques
針對考試試題教授答題技巧 -
Plenty of exam questions and past paper analysis
提供大量試題及過往公開試試題分析 -
Enhance high order thinking skills to solve experimental questions
DSE Physics (for S.4-S.6)
IB Physics HL / SL (for Year 12-13)
iAL Physics Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 12-13)
IGCSE Physics Pearson Edexcel / Cambridge (for Year 9-11)
Integrated Science Course
綜合 科學課程
Build solid foundations on science concepts
清晰講解科學概念,打好基礎 -
Relate the knowledge to daily lives, spark interests in science
知識聯繫日常生活,發掘對科學的興趣 -
Revision notes provided
教授重點內容,提供精華筆記 -
Step-by-step learning, simplified knowledge
化繁為簡,深入淺出,令學生輕鬆掌握複雜的知識 -
Phy+Chem+Bio Mixed Class tailor-made for S.3 students
特設中三物理+化學+生物綜合課程 -
Help S.3 students with their choice of electives
協助中三學生選科 -
Phy/Chem/Bio (for S.3)
I.S. (for S.1 - S.3)
English Course
Application-oriented teaching principles that enable students to use English flexibly in various types of examinations
應用為本的教學原則,使學生能夠在各種類型的考試中靈活運用英語 -
Teaching materials are selected based on students’ current English levels to accommodate their personal learning goals
根據學生目前的英語水平選擇教材,以符合他們的個人學習目標 -
Individualised guidance and plenty of exercises help students build a strong foundation in English and break through bottlenecks
個性化指導和豐富的練習幫助學生打下堅實的英文基礎並突破瓶頸 -
DSE courses focus on exam techniques
IELTS Test Preparation
DSE English (for S.4-S.6)
English Reading Skills
English Writing Skills
English Listening Skills
English Speaking Practice
Group Class Fee
P.1 - P.6 $280
S.1 - S.3 $350
S.4 - S.6 $380
Classes are taught in small groups (< 6 students)
小班教學, 每堂不多於 6 人 -
Every class is 1 hour and 30 minutes long
每堂為 1 小時 30 分鐘 -
Individual or private groups are welcomed
歡迎 一對一 / 自組小組 (請另作查詢) -
For international curricula, please inquire
Regular Class Timetable
S.1 I.S. - 六 2:00-3:30
S.1 Maths - 二 4:30-6:00 / 四 4:30-6:00
S.1 Eng - 五 4:30-6:00
S.2 I.S. - 六 9:00-10:30 / 日 9:30-11:00
S.2 Maths - 二 4:30-6:00 / 六 10:30-12:00
S.2 Eng - 三 4:30-6:00 / 六 2:00-3:30
S.3 Phy - 一 4:30-6:00 / 三 5:30-7:00 / 五 6:00-7:30
S.3 Chem - 二 5:00-6:30 / 五 4:30-6:00
S.3 Bio - 四 5:00-6:30
S.3 Maths - 二 5:00-6:30
S.3 Phy/Chem/Bio mixed class - 日 11:00-12:30
S.4 Maths - 六 9:00-10:30 / 二 6:00-7:30
S.4 Phy - 六 10:30-12:00
S.4 Chem - 三 4:30-6:00 / 六 4:00-5:30
S.4 Eng - 六 12:00-13:30
S.5 Maths - 六 2:30-4:00 /日 9:30-11:00
S.5 Phy - 六 1:00-2:30 / 日 1:00-2:30
S.5 Chem - 二 5:30-7:00 / 六10:30-12:00
S.5 Bio - 六 12:00-1:30
S.5 Eng - 六 10:30-12:00
S.6 Chem - 六 9:00-10:30
S.6 Bio - 六 12:00-1:30
S.6 Phy - 六 1:00-2:30
S.6 Eng - 六 3:30-5:00
S.6 Maths - 二 6:00-7:30