Mission 教學理念
Discover the potential of each student
發掘每個學生的潛能 -
Encourage students to be the best versions of themselves
鼓勵學生成為最好的自己 -
Inspire curiosity in learning
啟發對學習的好奇心 -
Strengthen logical thinking and problem solving skills
訓練邏輯思維及解難能力 -
Develop effective study habit

Miss Tracy
Founder 創辦人
Graduated at Imperial College London
(ranked 2nd in the QS World Rankings 2025)
畢業於倫敦帝國學院 (QS世界大學排名2025 第2位) -
Master's degree in Engineering
工程系碩士榮譽畢業 -
Bachelor's degree in Biology
生物系榮譽學士 -
Straight A's in GCE A Level (including Maths, Bio, Chem)
英國高考考獲全A佳績 (包括數學、生物、化學) -
UCAT 9th decile test score
英國醫科入學試成績Top 10% -
Over 10 years of teaching experience

Mak Sir
Senior Tutor 資深導師
Bachelor of Science at University of Hong Kong
香港大學 理學士 -
Master's degree at University of Nottingham
諾丁漢大學 碩士 -
Former secondary school teacher
曾任中學教師 -
Years of full-time tutoring experience
Dr Tam
Senior Tutor 資深導師
PhD at University of Hong Kong
香港大學 博士 -
Bachelor's degree in Physics
物理系榮譽學士 -
Former teaching assistant at University of Hong Kong
曾任香港大學助教 -
Years of tutoring experience

子健 Sir
Senior Tutor 資深導師
MPhil Biochemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 生物化學系哲學碩士 -
CUHK BSc Cell & Molecular Biology (1st class honour)
中大 細胞及分子生物學系學士 一級榮譽畢業 -
Published research in academic journals
曾於知名學術期刊 PNAS 及 Toxins 發表學術論文 -
Over 10 years of teaching experience
Mr Edison
Senior Tutor 資深導師
BSocSc in Public Policy and Politics at City University of Hong Kong
城大 公共政策及政治系 一級榮譽畢業 -
Studied abroad at University of Oklahoma
美國留學經驗 -
Excellent academic results in public exams
公開考試英文寫作5*、會話 A -
IELTS Listening 9 Reading 8
雅思國際英語測驗系統 聆聽 9 閱讀 8 -
Over 10 years of teaching experience

Mr Jazz
5* Tutor 星級導師
Radiation Therapy at Tung Wah College
東華學院 放射治療學 -
Outstanding DSE results - Chem 5*
香港中學文憑考試成績出眾 - 化學 5* -
Graduated from Band 1 EMI secondary school
畢業於Band 1 英文中學
Kwok Sir
Senior Tutor 資深導師
Building Services Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
香港理工大學 工程系畢業 -
Lots of teaching experience
教學經驗豐富 -
Graduated from Band 1 EMI secondary school
畢業於Band 1 英文中學

Mr Anson
5* Tutor 星級導師
Physiotherapy at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
香港理工大學 物理治療系 -
Outstanding DSE results - Maths, Phy, Chem 5*
香港中學文憑考試成績出眾 - 數學、物理、化學均奪 5* -
Graduated from Band 1 EMI secondary school
畢業於Band 1 英文中學
M Lee
Senior Tutor 資深導師
Master's degree at University of Hong Kong
香港大學 碩士 -
Years of teaching experience
教學經驗豐富 -
Personalised and interactive teaching methods

Mr Jordan Lau
Senior Tutor 資深導師
Bachelor of Science at University of Hong Kong
(Major in Mathematics)
香港大學 理學士 (主修數學) -
Master of Science at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
香港理工大學 碩士 -
Teaching Note-Taking and Question-Answering Skills
傳授數學筆記撰寫及答題技巧 -
Enhancing MC Score
提升選擇題命中率 -
Years of teaching experience
Years of experience. Students from various schools.
Primary School 小學:
Good Hope School 德望學校
Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section) 瑪利諾修院學校(小學部)
Marymount Primary School 瑪利曼小學
Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School 番禺會所華仁小學
Rosaryhill School 玫瑰崗小學
Sacred Heart Canossian School 嘉諾撒聖心學校
St. Clare's Primary School 聖嘉勒小學
St. Joseph's Primary School 聖若瑟小學
Yaumati Catholic Primary School 油麻地天主教小學
Secondary School 中學:
Belilios Public School 庇理羅士女子中學
Canossa College 嘉諾撒書院
Cheung Chuk Shan College張祝珊英文中學
The Chinese Foundation Secondary School 中華基金中學
Diocesan Girls' School 拔萃女書院
Diocesan Boys' School 拔萃男書院
Heep Yunn School 協恩中學
HKMA David Li Kwok Po College 香港管理專業協會李國寶中學
HKUGA College 港大同學會書院
Hong Kong True Light College 香港真光書院
King's College 英皇書院
Maryknoll Convent School 瑪利諾修院學校
Marymount Secondary School 瑪利曼中學
Pui Ching Middle School 香港培正中學
The Methodist Church HK Wesley College 衞理中學
Queen's College 皇仁書院
St. Paul's Convent School 聖保祿學校
St. Stephen's Girls' College聖士提反女子中學
Wah Yan College Hong Kong 香港華仁書院
Ying Wa College 英華書院
International Schools 國際學校:
Anfield International School 安菲爾學校
Christian Alliance International School 宣道國際學校
Creative Secondary School 啓思中學
The Independent Schools Foundation Academy 弘立書院
Kellett School 啟歷學校
King George V School 英皇佐治五世學校
Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School 保良局蔡繼有學校
Harrow International School 哈羅香港國際學校
Hong Kong International School 香港國際學校
Korean International School 韓國國際學校
Victoria Shanghai Academy 滬江維多利亞學校
Singapore International School (Hong Kong) 新加坡國際學校(香港)
Stamford International School 香港史丹福美國國際學校
West Island School 西島中學
Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong 香港威雅學校
Yew Chung International School 耀中國際學校
UK Schools 英國學校:
Colchester Royal Grammar School
Malvern St James Girls’ School
Mayfield school
Woldingham school